The Artists RoundTable (ART) is a group of individual artists and representatives of visual arts organizations that meets monthly to address common issues and concerns.
Group members
include: the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council, Colored Pencil
Society of America (ABQ Chapter), MasterWorks of New Mexico,
New Mexico Art League, New Mexico Potters &
Clay Artists, New Mexico Watercolor Society, Pastel Society
of New Mexico, Rainbow Artists, Rio Grande Art Association and
many others. Currently ART meets on the second Wednesday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. in the Arts Alliance Gallery, 1100 San Mateo NE, Suite 10, located in The Courtyard Shopping Center at the corner of Lomas and San Mateo. All visual artists are welcome.
Combined, ART represents hundreds of artists in the greater
Albuquerque metropolitan area.
If your
organization would like to learn more about joining ART, please contact Judy
Smith at the Arts Alliance.
Arts Organizations Directory