Additional Listings from "Something To Do"
Click on the categories below for details about events, classes and more that are offered on a regular or ongoing basis.
Albuquerque Museum of Art and History
2000 Mountain Rd. NW, in Old Town
Family Art Workshops
When: Every Saturday, 1-2:30 p.m.
Fee: Included with museum admission.
Admission: $4 adults ($3 NM residents), $2 seniors, $2 ages 4-12, 3 and under free.
Saturday Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
More Info: Call 243-7255 http://www.cabq.gov/museum/
Albuquerque Aquarium
2601 Central Ave. NW (at New York Ave. just east of the Central Ave. bridge)
Aquarium Overnight
What: Spend the night in the aquarium learning about marine species and their nighttime behavior. Activities include an aquarium scavenger hunt, Ocean Jeopardy, guided tours and art activities.
When: Fridays every other month.
Next overnight is April 18-19
Fee: $25 per person.
More Info and to Register: Call 848-7180. http://www.cabq.gov/biopark/aquarium/
Pre-registration required.
NM Museum of Natural History & Science Planetarium
1801 Mountain Rd. NW in Old Town
When: First Friday of every month through June 2008 at 6, 7 and 8 p.m.
First Friday Fractals
Where: NM Museum of Natural History & Science Planetarium
Tickets: $7 ages 13-59, $6 age 60+ and $4 ages 3-12.
More Info and Tickets: Go to www.FractalFoundation.org or http://naturalhistoryfoundation.org/planetarium.html
Explora Museum
1701 Mountain Rd. NW
Children's Programs
What: Includes after school clubs, Kids First films, Robolab, Working Chemist, Woodworking and Toddler Time.
More Info: Visit www.explora.mus.nm.us or call 224-8341
516 Arts
516 Central SW
Educational Tours and Activities
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 12-5 p.m.
More Info: Call 242-1445 or email Bryan Kaiser at [email protected]
Harwood Art Center
1114 7th St. NW
Opportunities for Artists
Applications for North and South Youth and Emerging Artists Galleries
Deadline: Ongoing
Application Materials: Call 242-6367 or go to the website
Nob Hill Gallery
7400 Montgomery NE, Suite 19
Call for Artists
Co-op gallery looking for artists and fine craftsmen.
More Info: Call Paula O'Neil at 832-5052
Plein Air Painters of New Mexico
Looking for New Members
Open to artists working in all media. Upcoming events include 4th Annual Paintout, Exhibition and Sale and Little Gems, a juried show to benefit the Open Space Alliance.
More Info: www.pleinairpaintersnm.org
Adobe Theatre
Looking for Directors
More Info: Call Michael Girlamo at 480-6419
Albuquerque Boy Choir
Auditioning Boys Ages 6-18
More Info: Call Ed Torrez at 363-4621 or go to www.abqboychoir.org
Albuquerque Girl Choir
Looking for New Talent, Grades 1-12
More Info: Call 292-0242 or go to www.albuquerquegirlchoir.or
Albuquerque Women's Voices
Call for Singers
Who: Looking for sopranos and altos who read music and enjoy singing in a variety of musical styles.
More Info and Audition Times: Call 292-0301
Duke City Chorus
Call for Singers
What: Weekly auditions for men's a capella chorus.
Who: Men of all ages.
When: Thursdays 7-10 p.m.
Where: Mesa View United Methodist Church, 4701 Montano Rd. NW
More Info: www.dukecitychorus.com
Enchanted Mesa Show Chorus
Weekly Auditions for Women's a Cappella Chorus
Who: Lower women's voices especially needed.
When: Every Monday, 7-10 p.m. (during rehearsal)
Where: Netherwood Park Church of Christ, San Mateo and Indian School at I-40.
More Info: Go to www.enchantedmesa.org or email Mary Morse at [email protected]
Landmark Musicals
Call for Volunteers
What: New musical theater company is looking for actors, dancers, musicians, directors, technical expertise, costume designers, makeup artists and hair experts, and front and back house people.
More Info: Email Myra Cochnar [email protected]
The Puppet Playhouse
Ongoing Auditions for volunteers, apprentices and paid performers
What: Puppet shows and events
More Info and to Set an Appointment: Call Sunny Birklund at 897-9148 or email [email protected]
Vortex Theatre
2004 1/2 Central SE
Call for Local Playwrights
What: The Vortex is looking for new plays for its series. Opportunity to have your play read before the public in a rehearsed reading and get feedback from the audience.
More Info: Email [email protected]
VSA arts of New Mexico
Groups Available for Performances
Book groups for schools, community centers, churches, festivals and more.
Buen Viaje Dancers: A mixed ability dance company that performs original choreography and present participatory workshops for audiences of all ages and abilities.
Equilibrium Theater Company: Artists and staff writers/performers have created pieces that deal with their own experiences with disabilities with integrity, humor, poetry and music.
Honorarium: $250 per performance (shared by 12-20 company members)
More Info: For Buen Viaje, call Bryn Naranjo. For Equilibrium, call Kamarie Chapman, both at 345-2872 Ext. 22.
Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Public Libraries Programs
What: Library branches offer a variety of programs throughout the week, including talks, classes, movies, educational programs and more for all ages.
Info on Activities: Go to www.cabq.gov/library
The Filling Station
1024 4th St. SW
Church of Beethoven
Classical musicians perform mini-concerts every Sunday.
When: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Coffee bar opens at 10.
Sunday Sessions
An on-going series of jam sessions for poets, musicians and singers (one category each week). Set by a local artist followed by open mic.
When: Sundays, 6-8 p.m.
Tickets: $5 suggested donation.
Info and Reservations: Call 243-0569 or go to www.fillingstationabq.com
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
2401 12th St. NW
Weekend Artist and Dance Demonstrations
When: Artist demos - Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Dance demos - 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
More Info: Call 843-7270 or go to www.indianpueblo.org
Planetarium at the NM Museum of Natural History & Science
1801 Mountain Rd. NW in Old Town
Night of the Titanic
Experience what it was like to stand on the deck of the Titanic the night she sank, and look at features of the North Atlantic that have consequences for ships. When: Daily Noon and 2 p.m.
It's About Time
Travel in a Space Elevator and investigate theories in space exploration.
When: Daily at 1 p.m.
Enchanted Skies
Take a guided tour of the evening sky with a real-time digital starfield.
When: Daily at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Admission: $7 adults, $6 seniors 60+, $4 ages 3-12.
Ticket sales close 10 minutes prior to each show.
More Info and Advance Tickets: Call 841-2808
ABQ Art Glass
405 #4 Montano NE
Stained Glass, Mosaic and Glass Fusing
When: New classes monthly. Call for schedules and fees.
More Info and to Register: Call 345-2556 or go to www.magennisraymosaics.net
Amaya's Wise Woman Belly Dance Workout Classes
Beginner to Intermediate Belly Dance
When: Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. (through summer)
Where: Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
Fee, More Info and To Register: Call Amaya at 281-4492 or [email protected] or go to www.maria.amaya.com
Mix Level Belly Dance
When: Wednesdays at noon (through summer)
Where: Cedar Crest - Luna Studio
Fee, More Info and To Register: Call Amaya at 281-4492 or [email protected] or go to www.maria.amaya.com
The Artist Studio
Open Painting and Drawing Sessions
8200 Menaul NE, Suite B, at the west end of Hoffmantown Shopping Center
When: Wednesdays, long pose, clothed and Thursdays, gesture, nudes.
Both sessions 9:30am-noon.
More Info: Call Marilyn at 400-2571
Aurora Borealis Glassworks
5314 Kings Row NE
Glass Blowing and Paperweight Classes
When: One-on-one instruction during 4-5 hour classes on Saturday, Sunday and Monday
More Info: www.auroraborealisglassworks.com
Center for Nonprofit Excellence
2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Floor
Offers classes in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and other New Mexico cities on Board Development, Financial Management, Fundraising and Grant Writing, Leadership Development and Technology.
More Info: www.centerfornonprofitexcellence.org
Can also access the New Mexico Grantmakers Directory from the home page. This searchable database lists funders that support New Mexico non-profits.
East Mountain Art Classes and Workshops
Chinese and Splash Ink Watercolor
Instructor: Ming Franz
Location: Edgewood
More Info: Call Ming at 281-4956
Drawing, Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor and Pastel
Instructor: Diane Reitz
Location: Edgewood
More Info: Call Diane at 281-4425 or 720-7731
Starlight Ranch Artist Retreat
Workshops and classes in an inspirational setting
Location: Edgewood
More Info: Call Deb at 281-6839 or go to the website
Beyond Values Workshop
Two-day workshop, Friday/Saturday-4hrs/day) on getting more out of your artwork
Location: Rincon Studios -
Edgewood, NM
When: Scheduled periodically, six students max.
Fee: $85
Instructor: Cassandra Gordon-Harris
More Info: Call 281-5101 or 281-4191
Factory on 5th Art Center
1715 5th NW
Gyotaku, the Art of Japanese Fish Painting
When: Classes forming on demand
Fee: $10/hour, 1-2 hours classes
More Info about this Class and Others: Contact Ren at 836-1573 or [email protected]
Art for the "Non-Artist" - Awakening the Artistic Self
When: Classes forming on demand
Who: Adults as well as younger students (13 and up)
Fee: $25, 3 hour class
More Info about This Class and Others: Contact Ren at 836-1573 or [email protected]
Gaelic Lessons
Beginning Level Class in Scots Gaelic
Instructor: Kenneth McCormick
More Info: Call Ken at 205-9602.
Irish Gaelic
More Info: Call Padraig at 856-5193
Gathering of Artists
733 Camino del Pueblo, Bernalillo
Figure Class and Workshop - The Long Pose
When: Every Thursday, 6:30-9:30 p.m., beginning March 5
Instructor: Steve Williams
More Info and Reservations: Call Steve at 771-0278 or Sara at 771-3567
Glass Fusion Workshops
Full fusing, tack fusing, slumping and torch work to make a plate and numerous jewelry items. Includes all materials, findings and finishing for jewelry and use of tools and equipment.
When: Ongoing
Where: Pompous Glass Studio in Placitas
Instructor: Lisa Chernoff
More Info and to Register: Call Lisa or Mel at
867-3330 or email [email protected]
Harwood Art Center Gallery
1114 7th St. NW
Visual & Performing Arts Classes
What: Classes for adults and children in all arts disciplines, visual and performing.
More Info: Call 242-6367 or go to www.harwoodartcenter.org
Open Drawing Sessions with Model
When: Every Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
More Info: Call 242-6367 or go to www.harwoodartcenter.org
Heights Community Center
823 Buena Vista SE
Ceramic and Pottery Facility Reopens
Hosting weekly open studio times and special topic seminars.
More Info: Contact Pam Seigal at 256-3770 or [email protected]
Irish-American Society
Old and/or Modern Irish Language Classes
Instructor: Bettina Kimpton
More Info: Call or email Bettina Kimpton, 821-8196 or [email protected]
Keshet Dance Company
214 Coal SW
Dance Classes
What: Classes for ages two through adult.
All ability levels.
More Info: Call 224-9808 or go to www.keshetdance.org
Dance Theatre Southwest
4200 Wyoming NE
Modern Dance Technique for Adults
When: Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Cost: $5 per class, all skill levels welcome
Instructor: Joan Gonwa
More Info: Call Joan at 254-9689
The Source (for Creating Sacredness)
1111 Carlisle SE
Various Workshops
On-going events on many topics for all ages. Also an art gallery.
More Info: Call 265-5900 or go to www.thesourceabq.com
3rd Street Arts
711 3rd St. SW
Open Drawing Groups
When: Twice weekly drawing groups with live models; short pose on Wednesday nights and long pose on Thursday nights, beginning at 7 p.m.
Fee: $6 per session
More Info: Call Robin at 604-3072 or Russ at
306-0535 or email [email protected]
The Studio
2252 Matthew NW
Open Studio: $10/hr. plus materials.Check website for hours. Call to sign up in advance.
Classes and Workshops: Jewelry, Mosaics, Raku, Bronze, Dolls, Ornaments, Punched Tin, Chairs and More. Call to sign up in advance.
Private Parties: The Studio will host your special party to celebrate a birthday, throw a shower, get together for a Girls Night Out and more. Includes refreshments and making stuff! Call to plan your party details.
More Info: Call Lindy Hirst at 350-8259 or go to www.hirststudio.com and check the calendar page.
Live Models in Albuquerque
The following locations offer weekly live modeling sessions. Prices range from $6-$10 per session. Call for details.
The Artist Studio, Marilyn Drake, 400-2571
Harwood Art Center, 242-6367
New Mexico Art League, 293-5034
Cooper Art Center, 266-2781
3rd Street Arts, Russ Riekeman, 306-0535
Albuquerque Music Association
Monthly Workshops
Free monthly workshops to educate and empower musicians and composers from all genres. Presented by industry pros on a variety of topics.
When: First Monday of every month at 7 p.m.
Where: The Cell, 700 1st St. NW
More info: www.abqmusicassociation.com or email [email protected]
Albuquerque Songwriters Series
Monthly Showcase
Presented by the City's Music Office. Each event features a changing lineup of local songwriters. The goal is to showcase songwriters from all genres by presenting an evening of exploring song craft.
When: First Thursday of the month, 7p.m.
Where: New Location beginning February 7, 2008, Slate Street Cafe Wine Loft, 515 Slate NW (north of Lomas between 5th and 6th).
Admission: Free
More Info: 771-3166 or email [email protected]
or go to www.cabq.gov/music
Albuquerque Swing and Country Dance Club
Bi-Monthly Dance Parties
When: Second and fourth Saturdays, 7 - 10:30 p.m.
Where: ABQ Square Dance Club, 4915 Hawkins NE
Admission: $5 members, $7 non-members. Lessons and refreshments included.
More Info and to Verify Schedule: Call 299-3737 or email [email protected] or go to www.nmdance.com
Art Trading Cards Group
When: Group meets second Saturday of the month, 10 a.m.-noon
Where: Rhonda's Creative Craft Center, 8214 2nd St. NW
What: Art cards are miniature works of art (2 1/2" X 3 1/2") that artists create and trade with other artists.
More Info: Call 604-4968. For more on art trading cards, go to www.artist-trading-cards.ch or www.atcquarterly.com
The Cauldron
Monthly Salon
The Cauldron is a monthly salon devoted to improvised music, dance, theater and the spoken word. Must sign up in advance.
When: First Friday of the month, 7-9 p.m.
Where: Harwood Art Center, 1114 7th St. NW
Requested Donation: $10
More Info: Call 897-5057
Club Culturale Italiano
Monthly Meeting
When: Second Tuesday of the month, 7-9 p.m.
Where: Lt. William Sibrava Substation, 10401 Holly NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122. Directions: Take Paseo del Norte to Eubank, turn east on Holly. Substation and entrance are on the left.
What: All ages and ethnicities are invited, including families and singles. Club emphasizes meeting new people and social events. Many meetings host guest speakers. New ideas always welcome.
More Info: Call Darlene at 828-2903 or Rosalba at 891-8456
"Drop In" Dance Classes
Social Dance, including cha cha, west coast swing, waltz, night club 2-step and many more
When: Classes every Wednesday 6:30-8 p.m. Free social dance at 8 p.m.
Where: Cowboys, SE corner of Montgomery and Eubank NE
What: Instruction level and dance change monthly. Pay as you go.
Schedule & Fees: Call 299-3737 or email [email protected]
Argentine Tango Classes & Milonga
When: 7 p.m. intermediate, 7:45 p.m. beginner, 8:30-10:30 p.m. Milonga (dance)
Where: Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE
Who: All levels.
Fee: $4 entire evening.
More Info: Call 293-5343
First Friday Art Openings and ArtsCrawl
Bi-Monthly Gallery Tour
Albuquerque's self-guided gallery tour happens every First Friday of the month. On the third Friday of the month, a neighborhood ArtsCrawl takes place at varying locations.
More Info and Schedule: www.ArtscrawlAbq.org
Friends of Film, Video and Arts Foundation
Monthly Meeting and Collaboration
Members are independent filmmakers, artists and community supporters. Prospective members welcome.
When: Third Sunday of the month at 3:30 p.m.
Fee: Members free, $5-$10 non-member donation
Where: Harwood Art Center, 1114 7th St. NW
More Info and Schedule: Contact Anne Stirling, 897-2101 or email [email protected] or go to www.filmvideoarts.org
MAP 21
MAP21 is a youth organization that publishes a monthly zine featuring poetry, lyrics, short stories and original art. The group also holds a monthly meeting and open mic event with live music, poetry, dance and film.
Monthly Meeting and Open Mic: Second Sunday
Where: The Cell Theatre, 700 1st St. NW
More Info: Call 766-9412
New Mexico Woodturners
Monthly Meeting and Workshop
Monthly meetings and workshop for members and guests. All welcome. Purpose is to educate and share woodturning information and skills for all levels.
When: First Saturday of each month at 9 a.m.
Where: Woodworkers Supply of Albuquerque, I-25 East Frontage Road, just north of Alameda
More Info: Go to www.nmwoodturners.org
One Heartbeat Rhythm Circle
Intergenerational Music Making Experience
When: Third Friday of every month
Where: Fridays at Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center, Rm. 4, 501 Elizabeth SE (behind Costco)
Admission: $8 adults, $6 seniors 65+/teens, $4 ages 8-12. Children must be accompanied by a participating adult.
More Info and To Register: Call 332-2141 or go to www.circles4drumming.com
Pastel Society of New Mexico
Monthly Meeting
When: Second Saturday, 10 a.m.
Where: Albuquerque Museum in Old Town
What: Each month a different professional artist demonstrates a particular technique or approach to painting with soft pastels.
More Info: Email Diana Stauffer at [email protected]
Rainbow Artists
A Women's Art Collective
Monthly Meeting
When: Third Monday, 6:45 p.m.
Where: Cesar Chavez Community Center, Kathyrn just east of Louisiana.
More Info: Call Thora Guinn at 842-6196 during the day.
Rio Grande Woodcarvers
Monthly Meeting
When: Tuesday evenings, 6-9 p.m.
Where: Hoffmantown Church, Harper and Ventura NE, Building D
Features: Research library and instruction for beginners.
More Info: Call Dan Moss, 292-7401.
Show Off or Shut Up!
Monthly Talent Show
Emerging talent show off their stuff: dance, music, installation art, improv and more.
When: Second Sunday of the month at 7 p.m.
Where: N4th Gallery, 4904 4th St. NWMore Info: 345-2872 or www.vsartsnm.org
SouthWest Writers
Meetings, Classes, Free Workshops and Monthly Writing Contest
If you're a writer, or aspire to be, SouthWest Writers is the group to contact for help and encouragement. Whether your interest is poetry, sci-fi, novels, short stories, memoirs, romance, mystery, writing for children, playwriting - you get the idea - SWWriters can direct you to a group of like-minded writers. Group also sponsors a monthly writing contest with prizes.
More Info: Email [email protected] or call 265-9485 or go to www.southwestwriters.com
Storytellers of New Mexico
Monthly Workshop or Presentation and Story Swap
When: Third Sunday of every month, 2-4 p.m.
Where: Title Wave Book Store, 1408 Eubank Blvd. NE at Constitution
Admission: Free. For all interested in storytelling.
More Info: 890-7075
Tamarind Institute
Monthly Tours
What: Tours of this world famous lithography workshop include the history of the institute, a video on the lithographic process and a tour of the press rooms to watch prints being editioned.
When: First Friday of the month at 1:30 p.m.
Where: Tamarind Institute, 108 Cornell SE just south of the Frontier Restaurant
More Info and Tour Reservations: 277-3901
Valencia Wood Whackers
When: Thursdays, 1-3 p.m.
Where: Los Lunas Senior Center, NM Hwy 6 one mile east of I-25.
Who: Carvers and carvers-to-be. Materials available for newbies to find out if carving's for you!
More Info: Email Rick Schneck at [email protected]
ABQ Local DanceNews
An email newsletter containing dance-related news, including regularly scheduled and special events, classes and workshops.
More Info and To Sign Up: Email Susan Kellogg at [email protected]
Collector's Guide Online Calendar
A great place find things to do throughout New Mexico and to publicize your events for free.
Find Events: www.collectorsguide.com
Send Press Releases: Email to [email protected] or submit your arts events using a form on the website's calendar page at www.collectorsguide.com/calendar
TechSoup - A Technological Resource for Non-Profits
TechSoup, found at www.techsoup.org, bills itself as "The Technology Place for Non-Profits." On the site you will find a wealth of technological information (in lay terms) and resources for non-profits. In addition to articles and discussion groups, non-profits can purchase a wide variety of hardware and software for just an administrative fee - thanks to donations to TechSoup by technology companies. You can also get the weekly newsletter, "By the Cup." See a sample issue and sign up by clicking on the home page link, "TechSoup Delivered."
The Theater Salon
Weekly e-newsletter for the performance community announcing auditions, casting calls, performances, crew calls, training and funding opportunities and more. Covers New Mexico and the Southwest. Also a website.
More Info: Stefany Burrowes at (505) 474-3752 or [email protected]
To subscribe: Go to www.theatersalon.com
Weekly supplement to albuquerqueARTS Magazine. Contains happenings and opportunities in the arts.
To Subscribe: Go to www.abqarts.com - Scroll down to "Get undergroundARTS"
The Blea Building
530 Jefferson NE (at Lomas)
Studio Space for Rent
Various sized studio space with ample off-street free parking.
More Info: Call Lisa at 232-9494 between 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., M-F
1523 5th St. NW (at Bellamah)
Studio Space for Rent
Also accepting inquiries about showing and selling work in this new gallery.
More Info: Call Jan Jackson at 821-3095
Factory on 5th Art Space
1715 5th St. NW
Studio Space for Rent
Rental Rate: $200/month and up. Includes parking, free internet access, utilities and 24-hour access.
More Info: Call Jerry at 463-5824. Also visit www.factoryon5.com
Historic Adobe Building in Bernalillo
For Rent to Artist or Arts Organization
Two story, newly renovated. Located on Main Street. 2,400 sq.ft. Commercial/residential use.
More Info: Call 771-0590 or email [email protected]
Maple Street Dance Space
111 Maple St. SE
Rental Space for Shows and Classes
More Info and Rates: Call 366-4982
North Fourth Arts Center
4904 4th St. NW
Studios and Classrooms for Rent
What: Rooms for community use for arts and education-related activities.
Fees: Negotiable
More Info: Call 345-2872, Ext. 11.
Orpheum Arts Space
500 2nd St. SW #21
Rental Space
Suitable for performing arts, rehearsals, dances, meetings, conferences. Seating capacity: 50
More Info: Call 715-2602 or email [email protected]
3rd Street Artspace
711 3rd St. SW
Rental and Exhibit Space
Renovated house with 30X30 open space with hardwood floors. Suitable for rehearsals, dances, meetings etc.
More Info and Rates: Call Robin at 604-3072
or Russ at 306-0535 or email [email protected]
Artist Studios For Rent
Artist Studios For Rent
Where: Central, two blocks west of University
Rent: $175-$350, includes 24 hour access, central heat and refrigerated air, wifi, reception area, restrooms, parking, communal kitchenette, classroom, mini-show space and more.
More Info: Call Paula Manning-Lewis at 259-6320.
Call for a brochure or visit each group's website for a complete list of season performances.
Adobe Theater: 898-9222 or www.adobetheater.com
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists: 255-8468 or www.abqcs.org
Albuquerque Little Theatre: 242-4750 or www.albuquerquelittletheatre.org
Chamber Music Albuquerque: 268-1190 or www.cma-abq.org
East Mountain Artist Series: 281-4648 or www.EMASeries.org
Fusion Theatre Company: 766-9412 or www.fusionabq.org
Música Antigua: 842-9612 or [email protected]
New Mexico Symphony Orchestra: 881-8999 or www.nmso.org
Placitas Artist Series: 867-8080 or www.PlacitasArts.org
If you'd like to list your group's website and phone number, email the info to judy@abqarts.org
Compiled by the Arts Alliance, "Something To Do" is a lisiting of current auditions and calls, performances, exhibits, events, workshops and classes in the Albuquerque Metro area.